Neighborhood Yard Sale - June 16-18, 2023

Little Flower and Emerson Heights are co-hosting a Neighborhood Yard Sale from Friday, June 16th through Sunday, June 18th, 2023.
50+ houses participating on Saturday, 20+ houses on Friday & Sunday.
Time: Start and end times may vary from house to house, but most houses will be hosting from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm.
Location: Little Flower sales are located between 10th & 16th Streets, from Gladstone to Emerson. Emerson Heights sales are located between Michigan & 10th Streets, from Linwood to Emerson
Online map for Little Flower: LFNA Community Yard Sale 2023 - Google My Maps
Online map for Emerson Heights: Emerson Heights Yard Sales 2023 - Google My Maps